I do these practices for the enlightenment of all beings indirectly through the enlightenment of this being; directly when capable.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Upper Yanglesho Cave

The first person I asked where the Asura Cave was turned out to be Bhaka Tulku Rinpoche's brother :)

The two pics below belong to the lower Cave.

Asura Cave Entrance

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Dudjom and Boudhanath Stupa

Full day with heavy rain at 5pm. The red bike is mine: a 4.6 mile ride which would've taken me 16 minutes in the US took 1 hr 22 min!!!  There aren't street signs,  google maps offers mere suggestions in Nepal  rather hard facts, and street conditions demand my full attention. Stopping every two minutes to see where gps has me located was the only option. Even then, gps would surprise me by indicating I was seriously off track. Nepalis are awesome street drivers!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Dust Mask After 6 Days

If you go to Kathmandu for more than a day or so, wear a dust mask! I didn't really wear mine over my face for the first 3 days -serious mistake! I got a sinus infection which cleared up after 24 hours of wearing the mask...
Of course I covered the mask on my face with a bandana to remain fashionable!

Last Day at 1st Place

Monday, September 4, 2017

Four Hours Of Corra with backpack

Doing practice with dogs, monkeys, pigeons, people of many traditions, people celebrating their children's birthdays with no squabbles breaking out....except when one dog followed me around into other dogs territory.... then even the monkeys got into the rebuke.

Only once did a medium sized monkey half heartedly attempt to steal my water bottle :)